
My customers running 3310 haven't reported that exact symptom.

But FWIW, also check that you have the latest IBM driver (I'm assuming
this is Windows).

I know that sounds weird, and the TS3310 support page doesn't say anything
about teh versions of the driver required.  But we added an expansion
drawer to a 3310; the base unit worked fine, but we got really weird
behaviour with the expansion unit until we updated the IBM tape driver.

Just a thought...


> I have a client with a TS3310 running the latest firmware (just did it a
> couple weeks ago) and SCSI LTO3 drives. This has now
> happened 4 times in the past year were the I/O ports go inaccessible.
> During a checkin we get:
> ANR8386W Slot 16 of library TS3310 is inaccessible.
> ANR8386W Slot 17 of library TS3310 is inaccessible.
> ANR8386W Slot 18 of library TS3310 is inaccessible.
> ANR8386W Slot 19 of library TS3310 is inaccessible.
> ANR8386W Slot 20 of library TS3310 is inaccessible.
> ANR8386W Slot 21 of library TS3310 is inaccessible.
> And it takes a complete power cycle of the libraray to resolve it.
> If I access the  library via the web interface, in the system summary It
> shows me that I have 6 I/O slots and all 6 are full (which
> they really are!). But if I click on the link for the I/O slots, the
> resulting status screen shows NO tapes in the I/O ports.
> I plan on opening an issue with hardware support, but I really can't have
> the library out of commission like this for very long. Not
> being able to vault and checkin tapes doesn't sit well with this client.
> Bill Boyer>Select * from USERS where CLUE>0
> 0 rows returned

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