        I have a situation where the TSM client seems to be ignoring
some mounted filesystems. 
        I have a need to have a TSM preschedule command which imports
some volume groups and mounts their filesystems.  (This data is an EMC
disk clone of another system, but that is immaterial).
        Once the preschedule command mounts the filesystems, I run an
incremental of the system which should back up only those filesystems
that are the ones I just mounted, which happen to all be mounts behind
the same mount point /tsmprdaok.  My include/exclude file is extremely

exclude /.../*
include /tsmprdaok/.../*

( I know this will need to exclude other filesystems eventually, but for
the sake of keeping it simple this is how it is for now.) When the
backup runs, it produces:

Executing scheduled command now.
10/18/07   17:45:12
Executing Operating System command or script:
   /opt/misd/bin/importPrdVg prdaok
10/18/07   17:45:29 Finished command.  Return code is: 0
10/18/07   17:45:29 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN @27 10/18/07   17:42:38
10/18/07   17:45:29 Incremental backup of volume '/'
10/18/07   17:45:29 Incremental backup of volume '/usr'
10/18/07   17:45:29 Incremental backup of volume '/var'
10/18/07   17:45:29 Incremental backup of volume '/home'
10/18/07   17:45:29 Incremental backup of volume '/opt'
10/18/07   17:45:29 Incremental backup of volume '/opt/emctools'

It does not list any of the filesystems (16 in all) that are mounted by
the preschedule onto /tsmprdaok.  Yes, I have verified that the
filesystems are really being mounted by issuing a 'df' while the backup
is running.  

If I issue the preschedule command manually to mount the filesystems,
and then run a plain scheduled backup, it produces:

Executing scheduled command now.
10/19/07   13:50:42 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN @28 10/19/07   13:49:05
10/19/07   13:50:42 Incremental backup of volume '/'
10/19/07   13:50:42 Incremental backup of volume '/usr'
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume '/var'
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume '/home'
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume '/opt'
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume '/opt/emctools'
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume '/tsmprdaok/epic'
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume
10/19/07   13:50:43 Incremental backup of volume

What gives?  Why does it work when I mount the filesystems before I run
the incremental, but when the filesystems are mounted from inside a
preschedule command TSM ignores them?  

Asked another way, when does the TSM scheduler look at the OS and decide
what filesystems exist?  Does this happen before or after the
preschedule runs?  Is there any way to control this behavior?

Best Regards,

John D. Schneider
Lead Systems Administrator - Storage
Sisters of Mercy Health Systems
3637 South Geyer Road
St. Louis, MO  63127
Phone: 314-364-3150
Cell: 314-486-2359

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