Another newbie question:
  How can I reduce the "Max. Pct Util" below 80%
  I am running DB backups twice a day.
  TSM version is 5.4.1
  tsm: TSMSERV>q log f=d
       Available Space (MB): 12,000
     Assigned Capacity (MB): 10,020
     Maximum Extension (MB): 1,980
     Maximum Reduction (MB): 10,012
          Page Size (bytes): 4,096
         Total Usable Pages: 2,564,608
                 Used Pages: 430
                   Pct Util: 0.0
              Max. Pct Util: 85.5
           Physical Volumes: 6
             Log Pool Pages: 128
         Log Pool Pct. Util: 5.59
         Log Pool Pct. Wait: 0.01
Cumulative Consumption (MB): 5,876,139.16
Consumption Reset Date/Time: 12/07/05   14:37:35

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