I've got a few boxes (Windows NT 5, TSM Client, TSM server on which the CAD seems confused about what time to do which.

An example is a box which has a schedule for 1800, but it attempted to
kick it off at 0800 this AM.  The diagnostics seem reasonable
(ANR2568E "request to start schedule is denied) but I can't really
figure out how the CAD reaches the conclusion that 'now is a good

A simple search at IBM didn't turn up anything particularly relevant:
Has anyone seen this?  I told my customer I was handwaving, but
'restart the CAD, maybe it is nutso because of daylight savings or
some such'.

I found myself going down a numerological rabbit-hole looking for
plausible time-related errors which add up to 10 hours...

- Allen S. Rout

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