Hi Michael,

we experienced the same thing when we asked clients to upgrade to
( to avoid the security vulnerability in the dsmcad ): Incrementals started
backing up the entire filestore - which gave us a headache at the server end.
Running: dsmc incr -traceflags=service -tracefile=/path/to/file  on the
client showed that it was ACL-related extended attributes that were causing
files to be sent again to the server ( see trace output below my signature ):
essentially, the client sees the file ACL attributes as 'changed' ( because
it has, as yet, no ACL attribute data on the server ) and instead of updating
the file attributes at the server end, it sends the whole file again.

try searching for the string ATTRIBS_BACKUP and ATTRIBS_EQUAL in the output

IBM support state that ACL support was introduced in 5.3, but we're pretty
sure that we saw this behaviour even in clients moving from 5.3.x to 5.4.x.
allthough we didn't pursue this.

If this is your experience, you can bypass this with the 'SKIPACL' and
'SKIPACLUPDATECHECK' options __but__ our experience has shown that this
dramatically slows the incremental processing on the client. At the very
least, take a look at the manual on these options, and test them if unsure.

Ian Smith
Oxford University Computing Services. UK

-- Begin trace file excerpt --

06-11-2007 12:08:02.353 [016096] [4144462752] : incrdrv.cpp         (14330):
Incremental attrib compare for: /blah/man/man1/vacuumdb.1
06-11-2007 12:08:02.353 [016096] [4144462752] : unxfilio.cpp        (1556):
fioCmpAttribs: skipACL:'0', skipACLUpdateCheck
06-11-2007 12:08:02.353 [016096] [4144462752] : unxfilio.cpp        (1673):
fioCmpAttribs: Attribute comparison of two fil
Attribute              Old                     New
---------              ---                     ---
ctime           1191576650              1191576650
mtime           1187781793              1187781793
atime           1191576650              1192659176
File mode OCT       100644                  100644
uid                      0                       0
gid                      0                       0
size                  4172                    4172
ACL size                 0                       0
ACL checksum             0                       0
Xattr size                                      54
Xattr checksum           0              1188981555
inode             91373877                91373877
06-11-2007 12:08:02.353 [016096] [4144462752] : fileio.cpp          (4627):
fioCmpAttribs(): old attrib's data from build
06-11-2007 12:08:02.353 [016096] [4144462752] : unxfilio.cpp        (1765):
-->ACL different: returning ATTRIBS_BACKUP

-- End trace file excerpt --

On Tuesday 11 Dec 2007 8:03 pm, Michael Glad wrote:
> I run a TSM TSM server. I recently encounterered a problem where
> the linux TSM client aborted every time it processed a given file
> system on one of my servers.
> Instead of upgrading to a newer 5.3.4 client level as would probably have
> been the wisest thing to to, I promptly uninstalled it and installed
> a client.
> Unfortunately, it seems that the client wants to back up a lot of
> files that have already been backed up, possibly the entire server.
> As this server contains a 8 digit number of files, this is far from
> ideal.
> Does somebody have an idea of what's going on?
>       -- Michael

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