>> On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 14:14:46 -0500, Curtis Preston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> It's now been just over a year since I created the link between the
> Backup Central forums and this mailing list.  When I first started it,
> people asked me to keep a close eye on it and then see how things went
> after a year.  It's been a year, and here's what I have to report.


I was an espeically voiciferous critic of the link, so I figured I'd
chime in.  While I have had more than a few "Gee, that was a dumb
question, look for source, Oh yeah from -there-" moments, I have to
agree that the wave of drek I foretold absolutely did not happen.  So
I'll sit the heck back down on this topic and mutter to myself. :)

Thanks for your efforts to keep the message stream clean.  Looks like
it's working.

- Allen S. Rout

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