
Can any help me with these issue?

That is the configuration in these moment:

One PolicyDomain with name AIX. Inside this, three ManagmentClass with name:
backup_daily(default); backup_weekly; backup_monthly.
I have one host (AIX) with filesystem mounts
(/;/usr;/data;/home;/files;etc...). I need take archive backup with command
line and bind with backup_monthly managment class. Im runing these command:
archive -archmc=backup_monthly "/*", But the only backup files that are
directory "/". So....what is the command line to take archive for all
filesystem in AIX host??? Im probe with command archive
-archmc=backup_monthly "/* /usr /data /home, etc..." but give me errors.
With the option '/* /usr /data, etc...'...error... Im create one file that
contain filesystem to archive (fs.txt) and put these command option...
archive -filelist=fs.txt -archmc=backup_montly...and nothing....

Thanks to all, greetings!

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