

I’ve got a rather obvious question which is the following: how do you checkin 
tapes in a STK library that is controlled by ACSLS software?  So far I was 
mainly working with SCSI libraries in TSM, thus the ACSLS libraries are new to 


The environment is the following:


TSM Server on AIX 5.3TL5

STK SL8500 tape library with ACSLS 7.1.0 (Solaris 9)


The CAP in the STK library is set to manual mode. The CAP cannot be set to 
automatic mode, because other software that uses the STK library doesn’t like 


If I logon to the ACSLS server and open a ‘cmd_proc –ql’ window, I can open the 
CAP there by issuing the command ‘enter CAP_ID’. The CAP is now unlocked and 
can be opened. The tapes are then added into the library and a succesfull 
checkin message is written in the ‘cmd_proc –ql’ window. Which can be left 
again with a logoff command. And then a checkin in TSM with a search into the 
library can be started. 


The latter process should be automated in a script however so that the 
operators can simply enter tapes into the library. Are there scripts out there 
that can be shared for this purpose? Or can the enter command on the CAP be 
given in a oneliner command so that it is easily incorporated in a bash script? 


Any feedback and hints from other TSM users with ACSLS libraries is more then 


Best regards,




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