>> On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:38:24 -0600, Johnny Lea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I've thought about replacing the 3590 drives with 3592 but I'm
> thinking a new LTO4 library might be better.

Wanda said some balanced things about 3592 vs. LTO4.  I share her
empirical observations, but conclude differently: the 3592 is so very
very reliable, I don't see any reason to even consider anything else.
But you've already got LTO inhouse, so you know the differences.  (or
perhaps can refute my opinion?)

I've been running my 3592s at 80-90% duty cycle for years: once you
get beyond SIDS, they just go and go and go.

As far as library, if you've got just TSM attached to it, you don't
care about 3494 vs. 3584; We've got an 11-year-old 3494, and it's
gorgeous and running just fine.  But the 3584 we have remotely is
bloody -fast-.  Scary fast.  The 3494 runs at what I think of as a
'human' timescale.  The 3584 is probably 2-3 times faster.

As to OS, if you're neutral, go AIX on P-series.  It's again a
reliability thing.  If AIX is foreign to you, then admin efficiency
probably trumps any native performance/reliability issues.

- Allen S. Rout

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