Roger Deschner said:

> We did a financial analysis of dedpue with TSM vs. just simply buying
> more disks, and the more disks solution came in cheaper. Plus a huge
> advantage in simplicity. Those dedupe appliances are expensive! Their
> sales pitch is that they can compress 20:1, so they charge 12 times as
> much money. But actual dedpue ratios with TSM incremental data are
> like 5:1 to 10:1, so dedupe costs MORE. Dedupe is coming as a feature
> TSM v6 anyway, so don't get too excited about 3rd party solutions yet.

I experienced the same thing at another customer -- with two of the
vendors.  (We didn't have that problem with the third.)  I told the
other two vendors that if they weren't significantly cheaper than just
buying more disk then something was seriously wrong.  I think we're due
for some pricing adjustments as competition sets in.

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