
> Is there a limit to the number of TSM servers and/or reports that can
> be configured for TOR? I'm running on a Windows2003 server, 7
> TSM servers are defined with multiple reports/monitors for each.
> Nothing runs! The service is running, the reports/monitors are
> activated, but I don't get any automated reports/monitors. I can
> right-click and run them manually, so the userid/password is
> configured correctly. This used to run fine and I'm not sure at what
> point it stopped running. I have recently added 2 new TSM servers.
> Are there limits????

Yes, the built-in TOR scheduler has a limit of 62 combined reports and
monitors. Unfortunately, an API for waitable event handles was used which
has a limit of 64 handles and TOR is using 2 of those leaving 62 for
reports and monitors. There is an easy workaround.


TOR is comprised of 3 components -

1) The TSM management console provides the GUI to configure report and
monitor settings and to run interactive reports.
2) The built-in scheduler, runs as a service and runs reports and monitors
on schedule (this is where the 62 limit exists)
3) The TOR command line can be run directly and is what the GUI and
scheduler invoke to create reports.

Using the TSM management console you can create as many reports/monitors
as you like for as many servers as you like. The limit of 62 comes from
the built-in scheduler, not the GUI or the command line.


To avoid this issue you can use a different scheduler such as the TSM
scheduler or the built-in Windows scheduler to drive the TOR command line.

An easy way to do this is to open a windows command prompt and issue:

cd /d "c:\program files\tivoli\TSM\console"                (or cd to
wherever TOR is installed)
tsmrept /type=list > allreports.cmd

allreports.cmd will now contain a list of all defined reports and monitors
including the minimum information needed to invoke them from the command
line. Here's an example showing different computers, tsm server instances,
reports and monitors,

 -COMPUTER=comet -INSTANCE="tsm_server1" -TYPE=report -NAME="drm report"
 -COMPUTER=comet -INSTANCE="tsm_server2" -TYPE=report -NAME="filespace
 -COMPUTER=comet -INSTANCE="tsm_server3" -TYPE=report -NAME="daily report"
 -COMPUTER=ss2 -INSTANCE="server1" -TYPE=report -NAME="node summary"
 -COMPUTER=think2 -INSTANCE="server1" -TYPE=report -NAME="daily report"
 -COMPUTER=think2 -INSTANCE="server1" -TYPE=monitor -NAME="hourly monitor"

Update each line to add the name of the TOR command line and any other
options you want. Command line options are listed when you enter: tsmrept
-? An important option to specify is -notifyrecipients=yes as the default
is no which means that recipients will not have the report/monitor
e-mailed to them. If you adjust allreports.cmd to look like the following

tsmrept -notifyrecipients=yes -COMPUTER=comet  -INSTANCE="tsm_server1"
-TYPE=report  -NAME="drm report"
tsmrept -notifyrecipients=yes -COMPUTER=comet  -INSTANCE="tsm_server2"
-TYPE=report  -NAME="filespace report"
tsmrept -notifyrecipients=yes -COMPUTER=comet  -INSTANCE="tsm_server3"
-TYPE=report  -NAME="daily report"
tsmrept -notifyrecipients=yes -COMPUTER=ss2  -INSTANCE="server1"
-TYPE=report  -NAME="node summary"
tsmrept -notifyrecipients=yes -COMPUTER=think2 -INSTANCE="server1"
-TYPE=report  -NAME="daily report"
tsmrept -notifyrecipients=yes -COMPUTER=think2 -INSTANCE="server1"
-TYPE=monitor -NAME="hourly monitor"

- then you can use an alternate scheduler to schedule the allreports.cmd
file to run using whichever scheduling options you choose.

You could of course schedule individual commands and/or divide up reports
into any number of command files.

Note that if you choose to use an external scheduler you can safely stop
using the TOR scheduler. Just stop the tsmreptsvc service and set its
startup type to manual to prevent it from running on system startup.

The following technote describes the restriction of 62 reports / monitors,
but what's listed above is a better workaround.

Appendix A in the following redbook provides an example using the windows

I hope this helps. Feel free to send me an e-mail if you need more

Mike Collins

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