Dear Michael:
        Thank you for your help~! I forget to activate the policy set ~! Thank 
you very much .

DongDong YU

I see two possible reasons:

1. Your retention policy expires the version before the maximum count
"versions data exists" is reached. If the retain-extra value is set to
a low number (like 4 days) and you change the file every 3 days, this
behaviour would be as expected.

2. You forgot to activate the policy set. You changed the "versions
data exists" value, but it didn't become active. Check the settings
with "q copy" and see whether the settings made their way to the
active copy group.

Good luck,
best regards,
Michael Bartl

Am 23.04.2008 um 07:45 schrieb Yu Dong Dong (ITD):

> Hi all;
>         I have some question with backup versions, please help me~!
>         I setup the "copygroup"  "Versions Data Exists: 3",  and I use
> "dsmc I " backup all the file more than 3 times , but when I use "dsmc
> restore /home/1.txt -pick -ina" query how much of a file versions, I
> see
> that only 2 versions(one is action, another one is inaction), why
> ?(before backup 1.txt , I am modify the file ervery times).
>         Please help me , thanks ~!
> DongDong YU

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