On Apr 25, 2008, at 8:20 AM, Remco Post wrote:

Been there done that, you are right. Now, explain, why do we need a
backup volhist command then? ...

My next test...
Perhaps because the new, novice system administrator at Spacely's
Sprockets, Inc. ambitiously cleared out a bunch of files which were
unfamiliar and seemingly unnecessary, and TSM was in between the
times that it would rewrite the file.  This allows the TSM admin to
recreate the file for D/R or other immediate needs.  Or, the TSM
admin wants to capture a snapshot image of the volume history into a
file other than the usual one, for historical purposes, as might be
done in nightly system housekeeping.  Or, a site which recognizes the
overhead of rewriting a multi-megabyte volume history file during
prime time wishes to instead have it generated on a scheduled basis,
knowing that they won't have significant entries in the mean time.

   Richard Sims   now hiding in Boston

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