You are correct.
Just check the tape back in to TSM as PRIVATE instead of scratch.

In fact, TSM won't let you check it in as scratch, if there is still valid
data on it.
And there is nothing you can do *accidentally* to damage that data, or write
over it.

One of the best features of TSM IHMO!


On 5/29/08, Keith Arbogast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A 3592 cartridge was removed from our 3584 by a CE some time ago. It
> may have been stuck in a drive. After that Operations lost the
> cartridge for some time, but recently found it. TSM had marked the
> volume UNAVAILABLE due to 1 write error, but the 3584 no longer lists
> it in its inventory.
> There are files on the cartridge that we need, so I plan to return
> the cartridge to the 3584. Will the correct procedure be just like
> returning an OFFSITE volume to a library? That is; after the
> cartridge is placed in a library slot by the changer, 'Assign' it to
> a logical library on the 3584; then run 'checkin libv <library-name>
> <volume-name> status=private' ?   (I realize I will have to change
> its access to read-only, run audit vol, etc.)
> [The point of all this -->] Is there anything I could do, by mistake,
> that would make the files on the cartridge permanently gone?
> With my thanks and best wishes,
> Keith Arbogast
> Indiana University

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