I got my numbers via a sql cmd and a ksh script.
It was kind of fun.

I've been looking at sqllite.  Do you know of any place to get precompiled
binaries for AIX?



(my hack to get a guestimate on compression rations for full volumes)
(assumes tapes are 60gb, which is what our 3494 lib has)

#set -xv

# This script attempts to calculate the compression ratio for tapes.
# It's NOT really meant to be run asis, but to have it modified
# to your desires.
# For example, it assumes all 3494/3590 tapes are assumed to be 50gb
# and all 3584/3592 tapes are assumed to be 600gb.

typeset -A ratiotbl

for i in tsm1 tsm2 tsm3 tsm4
  # get volume list for 3494 lib (3590 drives)
  # CHANGE the cast to reflect your computation for the comp ratio
  # most of the colums returned aren't used - they helped with debugging
  dsmadmc -se=${i} -id=xxxx -password=yyyy -noc -tab -dataonly=yes <<EOD
    select 'xxxxxxxx', -
           volume_name, -
           '${i}', -
           stgpool_name, -
           devclass_name, -
           status, -
           est_capacity_mb, -
           cast((est_capacity_mb / 600 / 100) as decimal(3,1)) as
comp_ratio -
      from volumes -
      where status = 'FULL' -
        and ( devclass_name like '%3494%' or devclass_name like '%3590%' )
done \
  | grep "^xxxxxxxx" \
  | awk '{print $2, " ", $3, " ", $4, " ", $5, " ", $6, " ", $7 , " ", $8}'
  | while read Ivol Itsm Istgpool Idevclass Istatus Iestcap Icompratio
         (( ratiotbl[$Icompratio] = ${ratiotbl[$Icompratio]} + 1 ))

     print $i  ${ratiotbl[$i]}
 done \
  | sort -k1,1n

             "Allen S. Rout"
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
             Sent by: "ADSM:                                            To
             Dist Stor                 ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
             Manager"                                                   cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             .EDU>                                                 Subject
                                       Re: yasq (yet another SQL question)

             06/03/2008 10:39

             Please respond to
             "ADSM: Dist Stor
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> On Mon, 2 Jun 2008 14:58:06 -0400, Richard Rhodes

>> I am thinking that you'll need to just get the raw columnar data for
>> volume record, then feed it into another program

> That's what I was beginning to think, and where I'll head.

Permit me to recommend 'sqlite'.  Free, easy, straightforward,

It's my favorite storage place for the columns IBM left out of TSM

- Allen S. Rout

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