Our mvs said that you can buy a used standalone 3590H drive for about $4k.
That might be the simplest way to move the data. After you finish you can sell 
it to someone else.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martha 
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 2:09 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Tricky conversion problem

We are moving to a new TSM server on a Pseries box with an IBM 3592 tape
system from a very old mainframe based TSM server.  We had not planned on
moving any of the old data over to the new server as there was no requirement
for it.  However, we run into a single user who wants to have all of his
previous backups moved to the new server, even though most are no longer
usable (we are talking about old OS2 systems, etc....every PC he has ever
used in the last 20 years).  Since this user is our 2nd line manager, we have
no choice to try and figure something out.

The main problem is that the two servers are not compatible.  The old server
can only talk to 3590 tape drives, whose tapes are not usable in the new
3592s.  So, I can't just export the data to tape and then import into the
new server. (Ah if only life were that easy!).

On a hunch, I've tried creating a server connection between old and new
TSM server.  Then, I exported a filespace to a virtual volume
(devclass=server) on the new server.  It sits on a 3592 tape right now.
However, the new server will not allow me to import this tape, as it belongs
to a pool and it thinks it is in use.

Is there any way to make this work?  I'm at a loss for ideas at this point.
I could create a virtual volume on disk and move the old filespaces to it,
but then I'll have to keep the old server running "forever" or at least until
it will run no longer.

Anyone have any ideas?

Martha McConaghy
Strategic Planner/Project Manager
Marist College IT

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