

The solution is very simple in fact … silly me . The feature “Online Image 
Support” with the option Volume ShadowCopy Services (VSS) just add a line in 
the dsm.opt:     SNAPSHOTPROVIDERIMAGE        VSS


So need to add it to my generic dm.opt by default !!!!! No need to do a reboot 
too ….


Regards   Robert




First thanks to all  for my last question about TDP Sql as usual Del Hoobler  
for is great help ….. Now another question this time for loading a service on a 
Windows client.


I managed to install a Windows client silently with the correct command in the 
msiexec utility and to load all my scheduler (dsmcad, dsmagent and ….) with the 
dsmcutil utility the last thing I need to be all done , is how to load the 
“Online Image Support” with the Volume ShadowCopy Services (VSS) as a command 
process that I can add to my batch file .


Did someone did it already ?????


Regards  Robert

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