Hello All,

Thanks for your help!!

I have a customer with 2 basic storage pool hiearchies for 2 different
business departments within the same library. There are 2 cartridge sets to
match, The tape labels have been ordered to reflect each department.as
below. With department A data on A0....L3. tapes and department B data on
B....L3 labeled tapes.

A00001L3 - A00999L3
B00001L3 - B00999L3

There is no library manager. Only 1 instance of TSM.

TSM 5.4 server on WIndows; IBM 3584 library; 6 x LTO3 drives

My questions are:
Am I missing something? How do I manage specific tape serial numbers in
specific storage pools?
How do I manage scratch tapes?



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