We're seeing repeated errors on our z/OS console, too, from the tape
acceptance exit (my wording; take it with a grain of salt), for each 3592
volume we have checked into the ATL, too. For the moment, we've removed the
3592 volumes until we're ready to have TSM ask the 3494 for "its" tapes.

Our IBM CE happened to be here today, so the z/OS guy asked the CE about the
error message. Said CE placed a call or two and came back with a new theory
that contradicts what seems to be the concensus here: according to him, we
need to have an "OpenSys" partition besides the non-VTL partition and the
VTL partition.

Does this agree with anyone's experience, or did the CE perhaps reach
someone who's more used to dealing with 3584s?

Thanks again,

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Thomas Denier <
thomas.den...@jeffersonhospital.org> wrote:

>  We have a 3494 shared between a VTS used by z/OS, a group of
> native tape drives used by z/OS, and a TSM server with two types
> of tape drives. Our experience matches that of other respondants;
> a new 'partition' is really just a pair of previously unused
> category numbers.
> We did have a little trouble with z/OS when we first migrated
> TSM from z/OS to its current host (mainframe Linux). The z/OS
> system has an exit routine that is called when a volume is
> inserted into the 3494. The return code from the exit tells
> z/OS whether to assign one of its own category codes to the
> volume. We had to update the exit routine to get z/OS to stop
> grabbing TSM volumes before TSM tried to check them in.

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