We update static information to the CONTACT field.  The information we
use is from the structured procedures our company uses for making
changes in the environment.  We use a case number that can be traced
back to the folks and documentation related to the creation of the
server and the request for TSM backup.  It also covers our butts when
someone asks, "Why did you do it that way, why is it scheduled here,
with only xyz retention?"  We can look it up in moments.

It is not perfect, people and departments change often enough that it is
only a lead, but we can usually find out what the server does and by
extension, who currently owns the box or the application without too
much trouble.

George H.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
Lindsay Morris
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 10:09 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Tracking who "owns" a node

For every node we back up, there is someone who uses it.
This person knows that:

* They want it backed up ONLY between 2AM and 4AM;
* They can't afford TDP so please back up the flat-file database dump
and ignore the true DB directories;
* They prefer to exclude drive C:
* For recovery, the application depends on 3 other nodes too and so on.

It helps us do a better job, if we know who these people are.

So, how do you map people to nodes?
I'm trying to see what's common, so our bolt-on software can discover
this mapping if it's there, or help you set it up if it's not.

Reply to me off-list and I'll report back the results to the community
Just pick a number below (I'm trying to make this so easy  ;-} ), and/
or discuss in detail.
Phone calls welcome too.
How do you know who owns a node?

0.  We don't.
1.  We put an email address in the node's CONTACT field.
2.  We put structured info (like "j...@foo.org; Joe Jones; HR;
212-223-1111") in the CONTACT field
3.  We put un-structured stuff in the CONTACT field, like name, phone
number, email, or whatever we have 4.  We put the email address in the
node's EMAIL_ADDRESS field 5.  We use home-grown spreadsheets or
databases or shell scripts 6.  We use 3rd-party apps like Servergraph,
or Bocada, etc.
7.  None of the above

Mr. Lindsay Morris

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