Attempting to do a point in time restore on a windows 2003 server using the Gui 
client.  If I go back more than one day, I do not see all of the folders in the 
root of the drive.  I see four out of eight folders. 

TSM Client version 
TSM Server version 

Performing a point in time restore from the command line works fine.  I can see 
all of the folders. 

I was thinking it may have something to do with the management class bound to 
the folders. 

select class_name from backups where node_name='NODENAME' and type='DIR' group 
by class_name 


MC7YR Management class details 
Versions Data Exists           2 
Version Data Deleted          1 
Retain Extra Versions          30 
Retain Only Version             2600 

Anyone seen this behavior? 


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