OK, then, back to my ugly select, shich I'm sure needs correction - No
way in heck I'm going to run it on my server.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
Thomas Denier
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Select Statement

-----Timothy Conway wrote: -----

>Ok, here.  Do a stgpool backup, disable sessions and do another stgpool

>backup to eliminate and prevent new data.  While sessions are still 
>disabled, mark the volume in question destroyed, and do a stgpool 
>backup preview.  That should tell you every primary volume that has 
>data on the volume in question.  Mark the volume readonly again, enable

>sessions, obtain and checkin the volumes it said it needed, (search the

>appropriate actl slice for 1228s), and do your reclamation.  Since 
>you're talking about a single volume, probably just a "move data"? Then

>again, if what's happenning is that your reclamation is ending on a 
>particular offsite volume, you should first find out what all offsite 
>volumes are below your threshold, and do the ba stg preview with them 
>all marked destroyed.

The online help for 'update volume' states that 'access=destroyed'
is valid only primary storage pool volumes.

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