On 28 apr 2009, at 11:26, admbackup wrote:
I am having a problem with two mount points in a tsm server.
The tsm server is connected to a tape library of 4 drivers. When I
input query mount there are always two moint points in RESERVED
ANR8376I Mount point reserved in device class LTODEV, status:
ANR8376I Mount point reserved in device class LTODEV, status:
this means that a process has reserved the drive... q pr should be
your friend. If all else fails, try the windows solution and restart
The problem is that there are only 4 drivers, but 2 of them are
unable to be used because of this situation. Most of the backup
sessions stay in "Waiting for mount point" for long time. I have
tried by restarting the Storage Agent service of all the client
servers but the situation remains the same.
I have checked the activity log, but there is nothing strange. It
is not a hardware problem because the 2 drivers that become unable
for this problem are not always the same
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