
I have a non-TSM related question, but I think it is the same for all backup

We need to backup 28 TB for a cutsomer with daily changes of appr 8 TB.  If
you take a backup window of 8 hr, this is 1 TB/hour.  This is also 280 MB/s
so 3,5 LTO4 tape streamers (if you take 80MB/s per tape streamer).
I can not use SAN backup, so all data has to come in over the network, so I
need at least 3 x 1 GB network connections.

What kind of intel box running windows can handle this workload?  Is the PCI
bus of a normal x86 server enough or do I need some high end x86 hardware?


PS: the backup software Backup Exec from Symantec ........

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