We use the Index Engines appliance (listed in that link to Curtis
Preston's site) for e-discovery. Works just fine; has no trouble with
TSM 5.5 tapes. We've also fed it CA-whatever tapes. However, it often
casts too broad a net. We wish it would work on TSM Export tapes, as
well as TSM Backup tapes, since in e-discovery we usually already know
the WHO. We want to know WHAT they said.

If we're being sued because Dr. John Doe sewed a pickle into somebody in
the operating room, and we just start scanning TSM Backup tapes for
"pickle" we'll get nowhere, and it will take a long time, during which
time ongoing TSM operations will be hobbled. Our security guys in long
overcoats will wind up going around asking a bunch of students why they
have to email each other on their iPhones about their favorite hamburger
garnishes. This is not a productive way to do it, especially since parts
of it will be done by lawyers at $100/hour.

We'd like to export TSM Node JohnDoe to a TSM Export tape and scan that.
You can't. You also cannot use a backupset, because those darned lawyers
know about Inactive TSM files and they want them too. Our only
workaround has been to use two TSM servers. (They can both be regular,
in-production, TSM servers; they can even run on the same physical
machine.) Export JohnDoe to the other server, in his own private
management class with his own private storage heirarchy of disk and tape
pools. Fully migrate that disk stgpool on Server 2 to tape, and then you
have what the Index Engine wants, and also what the lawyers want it to
have. It's important, according to the security guys, to then delete all
traces of node JohnDoe or those tapes on Server 2, though I leave the
empty management classes and stgpools for next time.

I've been through several iterations of this exercize.

Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago     rog...@uic.edu
========= "A jury is a group of 12 people who get together to ==========
======= decide which side has the better lawyer." -- Mark Twain ========

On Wed, 20 May 2009, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote:

>Any time you have questions about anything...........
>Step #1 - GOOGLE
>Step #2 - rinse-lather-repeat
>Richard Sims <r...@bu.edu>
>05/20/2009 06:59 AM
>Re: [ADSM-L] How to read TSM content without TSM??
>Sent by:
>"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
>On May 20, 2009, at 12:02 AM, Norita binti Hassan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I need to read a TSM tape/backup, but I want to read it without TSM.
>> Can it be done?
>The basic answer is No.
>"Reading a tape" means little if you don't know what the data on it is
>about.  Consider what the TSM database is for...
>    Richard Sims

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