>> On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 11:02:10 -0400, Richard Rhodes 
>> <rrho...@firstenergycorp.com> said:

> QUESTION:  How can you effectively get a audit libr
> cmd to run in a busy library sharing environment?

Here's how I solved that problem: I wrote a script to generate a
truckload of UPDATE PATH statements.


#  foreach $server 
#foreach $server ("CTRL")
foreach $server ("ATLCOPY","ATLCTRL")

foreach $d (0..9) {

     print "upd path $server DRIVE$d srct=server destt=drive libr=3584lib 
online=no \n";



then a bunch of cut and paste.

Or, if you're all high-speed, you can redirect the output to a file,
and then do something like this:

tsm: CTRL>q scr retemp f=r
del scr temp
def scr temp file=/tmp/temp.scr
q scr temp f=r

This script recreates a script called 'TEMP', and then shows me what
it did.

- Allen S. Rout

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