On 21/08, Loon, EJ van - SPLXM wrote:
> Hi KM!
> sho aggr 0 1086967169:
> AggrId: 0.1086967169, AggrSize: 0.717, LogSize: 0.717, NumFiles: 1.
> Aliases: None.
> I guess I have to parc the undeletable nodes somewhere until the TSM
> server is upgraded to a supported level...
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Well, you still have two (traditional) options:

1) dsmserv AUDITDB fix=yes

2) Try to expire the filespace from the client. Set up an empty directory
   as a filespace with the same name as the filespace to be deleted,
   either with virtualmountpoint (UNIX), SUBST (Win) or union mount
   (Linux/BSD) and then run dsmc i.


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