
Its on you device class definitions. 

             Device Class Name: LTO_PRIM
                           Device Type: LTO
                        Format: DRIVE
You can change the default from "drive" to ultrium 4c for forced compression. 
This will only help if you data is not already compressed (being compressed 
data by nature like .jpg/zip etc or due to host based compression).

(from help upd dev)
>>-UPDate DEVclass--device_class_name--------------------------->

   '-LIBRary--=--library_name-'  '-FORMAT--=--+-DRIVE-----+-'   
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of 
Lars-Erik Öhman
Sent: donderdag 27 augustus 2009 12:25
Subject: LTO4 and compression

Where do I enable compression for LTO4 tapes/drives in a 3584 library? The 
tapes only fill up to 800 GB.

A00000L4                    TAPEPOOL1      LTO4CLASS       771.2 G     98.4     
A00001L4                    TAPEPOOL1      LTO4CLASS       783.7 G     96.6     
A00002L4                    TAPEPOOL1      LTO4CLASS       784.3 G     97.5     
A00015L4                    TAPEPOOL1      LTO4CLASS       795.8 G     99.8     
A00025L4                    TAPEPOOL1      LTO4CLASS       794.5 G     99.8     
A00011L4                    TAPEPOOL2      LTO4CLASS       804.2 G    100.0     
A00024L4                    TAPEPOOL2      LTO4CLASS       805.1 G    100.0     
A00003L4                    COPYPOOL1      LTO4CLASS       780.8 G     96.9     
A00018L4                    COPYPOOL1      LTO4CLASS       793.5 G     99.9     
A00027L4                    COPYPOOL1      LTO4CLASS       804.2 G    100.0     

Library 3584 L32 firmware version 8620
4 drives IBM ULT3580-TD4 fimware version 89B2

I have searched and not found any information how to enable compression.


Lars-Erik Öhman
IT Systems, servers and applications

Carnegie Investment Bank AB
Gustav Adolfstorg 18
103 38 Stockholm
tel. +46 8 58 86 88 14

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