>> On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 09:24:11 +0200, Stefan Folkerts 
>> <stefan.folke...@itaa.nl> said:

> Now I am thinking, dedupe only occurs when you move data the volumes
> or reclaim them but 10G volumes might not get reclaimed for a LONG
> time since they contain so little data the chance of that getting
> reclaimed and thus deduplicated is relatively smaller than that
> happening on a 100G volume.

I think that, to a first approximation, the size of the volume is
irrelevant to the issues you're discussing here.

Do a gedankenexperiment: Split 100TB into 100G vols, and into 10 10G
vols.  Then randomly expire data from them.

What you'll have is a bunch of volumes ranging from (say) 0% to 49%
reclaimable.  You will reclaim your _first_ volume a skewtch sooner in
the 10G case. But on the average, you'll reclaim 500G of space in
about the same number of days.  Or said differently: in a week you'll
reclaim about the same amount of space in each case.

I need to publish a simulator.

So pick volume sizes that avoid being silly in any direction.

- Allen S. Rout

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