Wolfgang wrote:
>Now my long term averages are in: for the "interesting" (V5.5) TSM servers 
>around here, the "Log Consumption" ranges from 5000 to 9000 MB/day.
>So, does this tell me anything about future (V6) Log Space requirements?

I have test database 6.1.2 and I think:
1) you need additional space for DB2 archive logs. Size is the same or bigger 
then logs (depends on you full backup schedule);
2) you definitely need bigger space for logs. Test TSM 6.1.2 produces logs 
without any activity at all (5.5 never do this). I need 2-3GB in logs and 
archives daily without activity at all. Most possible you should plan 4 time s 
more space for logs and archives: 2 x Log_Size x 2 or more for archives.

Grigori G. Solonovitch

Senior Technical Architect

Information Technology  Bank of Kuwait and Middle East  http://www.bkme.com

Phone: (+965) 2231-2274  Mobile: (+965) 99798073  E-Mail: 

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