On Sep 8, 2009, at 11:50 AM, Minns, Farren - Chichester wrote:

Right, the backup failed again and there is a single message in the
error log.

09/08/2009 16:45:08 B/A Txn Consumer thread, fatal error, signal 10

Ugh...  Generally speaking, that's a programming error.
You're at the highest standard maintenance level within the 5.4.
release, so no advancing linearly.
You may have to proceed in an "accommodation" manner...
That Mac may have less memory than others which backup successfully
there, so that could be contributing to the SIGBUS (10) being an
artifact of TSM running out of headroom.  You might compare this Mac
with others there, and its options file.  If extraneous things are
running on that Mac, consuming memory, remove.  If it has file sharing
or iTunes sharing turned on for no good reason, turn off.
If the backup seems to get up to a certain general point each time,
and then fail, you might try a memory-efficient backup to see if that
gets around it.
That Mac is obviously behind the curve, running OS 10.4, so a review
of its memory and software may be in order.

   Richard Sims

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