Hi folks, evening all...

I'm trying to write my first CLIENTOPT (at server side) and i'm
totally confused...

What I need is:
(all mgmtclass are already defined)

/backups/backup_mail/mailman IS EXCLUDED
/backups/backup_mail/vmail IS EXCLUDED
/backups/* goes to 7Ver3Anos
/backups/databases/* goes to 14Ver3Anos

I could easily write it dir by dir, but I want to understand how to
use "more specific" clause...

I know that inclexcl is read from bottom to top and already read that
/backups/.../* would backup everyting under /backups directory...
But I can't find how to use it with different Mgmtclass...

If I do:

/backups/.../* 7Ver3Anos
/backups/databases/.../* 14Ver3Anos

Will "databases" dir be backed up twice?
Can it be done? (I'm almost sure it can).

Thanks in advance.


Flávio do Carmo Júnior aka waKKu
Florianópolis/SC - Brazil

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