>> On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 11:09:05 +1100, Steven Harris <st...@stevenharris.info> 
>> said:

> Would it be reasonable to consider Intel/Solaris to get an
> industrial strength OS on commodity hardware?

Meh, Solaris.  also-ran? Solaran.. ?  I know that's blasphemy in some
circles, but Sun is not even a shadow of what it once was.  Time was,
Sun OSes were where everyone built their open source first, it was the
preferred unix-like OS of the nerdirati.  Those days are gone, and Sun
isn't going to make up the losses, IMO.

> Where's AIX for Intel when you need it!

Yeah, that would kick some butt.  OTOH, one reason the AIX drivers are
rock solid is that there's serious cross-pollination between systems
and hardware folks.  I don't think IBM could achieve the same standard
of quality chasing whatever hardware.

- Allen S. Rout

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