I have a strange performance issue that I am trying to work out
involving network attached storage being used for TSM stgpool volumes.

The TSM server is AIX 5.3, and the network is a dedicated Gbit.  We
started out using iSCSI for the storage pool volumes creating 10 X
250GB volumes and placing a single logical volume per 250GB physical
volume, and letting TSM do the load balancing.  We are a small shop,
and the 30-40 MB/s performance that we were seeing in backups was
acceptable.  That is until we had to audit some volumes.

For the audit, we are seeing abysmal performance.  Approximately 3-5
MB/s per volume.  Adding volumes increases the total throughput, but
the performance per volume remains around 3-5 MB/s.

From the command line we can get 30-60 MB/s using dd to and from an
iSCSI volume.  So we did some testing on NFS.

Using NFS, we are able to get 60-80 MB/s from the AIX OS using dd both
read and write.  So we decided to create volumes on the NFS mount.
The "define vol" command ran for 10+ hours on a 100 GB volume at 2 MB/s.

Thinking it was just the def vol that was a problem, I ran a move data
to the new volume, and it ran at 3-5 MB/s.  I then ran an audit on the
volume, and again I am only getting 3-5 MB/s.

This seems like a tuning issue inside TSM, but I could not tell you
what parameter would cause such a slow down.  I have done my homework
on this, and have not found any relevant posts.  If anyone has some
suggestions, I would love to hear them.

As a side note, defining a volume on the local root drive runs at
16-20 MB/s.

tsm: TSM>q option

Server Option         Option Setting           Server Option
Option Setting
-----------------     --------------------     -----------------
CommTimeOut           60                       IdleTimeOut           15
BufPoolSize           32768                    LogPoolSize           512
MessageFormat         1                        Language
Alias Halt            HALT                     MaxSessions           25
ExpInterval           24                       ExpQuiet              No
EventServer           Yes                      ReportRetrieve        No
DISPLAYLFINFO         No                       MirrorRead DB
MirrorRead LOG        Normal                   MirrorWrite DB
MirrorWrite LOG       Parallel                 TxnGroupMax           256
MoveBatchSize         1000                     MoveSizeThresh
RestoreInterval       1,440                    DisableScheds         No
NOBUFPREfetch         No                       AuditStorage          Yes
REQSYSauthoutfile     Yes                      SELFTUNEBUFpools-     No
DBPAGEShadow          No                       DBPAGESHADOWFile
MsgStackTrace         On                       QueryAuth
LogWarnFullPerCe-     90                       ThroughPutDataTh-     0
 nt                                             reshold
ThroughPutTimeTh-     0                        NOPREEMPT
( No )
Resource Timeout      60                       TEC UTF8 Events       No
AdminOnClientPort     Yes                      NORETRIEVEDATE        No
IMPORTMERGEUsed       Yes                      DNSLOOKUP             Yes
NDMPControlPort       10,000                   NDMPPortRange         0,0
SHREDding             Automatic                SanRefreshTime        0
TCPPort               1500                     TcpAdminport
HTTPPort              1580                     TCPWindowsize
TCPBufsize            32768                    TCPNoDelay            Yes
CommMethod            TCPIP                    MsgInterval           1
ShmPort               1510                     FileExit
UserExit                                       FileTextExit
AssistVCRRecovery     Yes                      AcsAccessId
AcsTimeoutX           1                        AcsLockDrive          No
AcsQuickInit          Yes                      SNMPSubagentPort
SNMPSubagentHost                SNMPHeartBeatInt      5
TECHost                                        TECPort               0
UNIQUETECevents       No                       UNIQUETDPTECeven-     No
Async I/O             No                       SHAREDLIBIDLE         No
3494Shared            No                       CheckTrailerOnFr-     On
SANdiscovery          On                       SSLTCPPort
SSLTCPADMINPort                                SANDISCOVERYTIME-     15

                           Server Name:
        Server host name or IP address:
             Server TCP/IP port number: 1500
                           Crossdefine: On
                   Server Password Set: Yes
         Server Installation Date/Time: 11/11/08   15:01:10
              Server Restart Date/Time: 12/28/09   11:50:39
                        Authentication: On
            Password Expiration Period: 9,999 Day(s)
         Invalid Sign-on Attempt Limit: 0
               Minimum Password Length: 0
                          Registration: Closed
                        Subfile Backup: No
                          Availability: Enabled
                            Accounting: Off
                Activity Log Retention: 5 Day(s)
        Activity Log Number of Records: 9243
                     Activity Log Size: 1 M
     Activity Summary Retention Period: 30 Day(s)
                  License Audit Period: 1 Day(s)
                    Last License Audit: 12/28/09   23:50:44
             Server License Compliance: Valid
                     Central Scheduler: Active
                      Maximum Sessions: 25
            Maximum Scheduled Sessions: 12
         Event Record Retention Period: 30 Day(s)
                Client Action Duration: 5 Day(s)
     Schedule Randomization Percentage: 25
                 Query Schedule Period: Client
               Maximum Command Retries: Client
                          Retry Period: Client
                      Scheduling Modes: Any
                              Log Mode: Normal
               Database Backup Trigger: Disabled
                           BufPoolSize: 32,768 K
                      Active Receivers: CONSOLE ACTLOG
                Configuration manager?: Off
                      Refresh interval: 60
                Last refresh date/time:
                     Context Messaging: Off
Table of Contents (TOC) Load Retention: 120 Minute(s)
            Machine Globally Unique ID:
          Archive Retention Protection: Off
                   Encryption Strength: AES

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