Warm regards,
Michael Green

On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Richard Rhodes
<rrho...@firstenergycorp.com> wrote:
> If it truly is a memory issue you can't get around, you could define
> multiple client setups.  Each could backup a couple mount points.  The
> details would be messy (separate dsm.opt files and setups, maybe separate
> nodes (but not sure about this)), but it would let multiple separate backup
> process run.

That's right, but it will also bring mess into the client side,
because now I need to remember which mount point belongs to what
I guess the better approach would be to run using one client but
multiple schedules, one after another in a row, each taking care of
only several NFS mounts... I'll probably need to open ticket with IBM
about this.

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