If I had to guess, I'd say you were runing out of BBCredits on the ISL
links between
the two datacenters due to the distance.  BBCredits are basically buffers
on the link.
It takes time for a packet to travel the 30km.  If you don't have enought
to allow enought in-transit packets you loose thoughput.  This is similar
the tcp window processing to keep a WAN link full.

Below is my writeup I did for our docs.

NOTE:  For Brocade switches, the Extended Fabric feature which allows
allocating more credits to a link is a extra charge feature, although I
believe it's standard on DCX director switches.

Brocade Extended Fabric Feature

1)  What is it?

Fibre Channel switches use Buffer-to-Buffer-Credits (BBC's) to control flow
control of packets.  In different places you will see  this refered to as
Buffer Credit, Frame Buffers, BB_Credit, and even some other names.

2)  What does it do?

In a fibre channel switch, a reply packet is required for every sent packet
(I think).  BBC's represent memory buffers.  The number of them assigned to
a port dictates how many packets a switch can send that without receiving a
reply.  Once this number of packets have been sent, the switch will NOT
send any more packets until it receives a reply.  This prevents a
transmitting switch from overrunning the buffers of a receiving switch.

3)  Why does it need changed for long distance ISL links?

Think of a packet as requiring a finite amount of time to travel the fibre
cable.  A fibre channel frame/packet is approximately 2k in size.  At 1Gbps
a frame is about 4km long.  At 2Gbps the same frame is aboutt 2km long.  A
10km  ISL link running at 2Gbps  would be able to hold 5 frames in flight.
A 50km  ISL  link at 2Gbps would be able to hold 25 frames.  To NOT have
enough BBC's available to fill the cable results in decreased throughput.

Unfortunely, to be able to adjust the BBC's of a port you must PURCHASE an
extra feature for Brocade swithes:  Extended Fabric.  It comes as a license
which you enter to enable this feature.

4)  How do you implement it?

Extended Fabric works on a PER PORT basis.  For any switch port for which
you want to enable Extended Fabric, you enter the cmd:

      portcfglongdistance <port> <distance_level> <init_flag> <distance>

      <port> = switch port #
      <distance_level> = a MODE for the port that sets the distance of the
ISL link
      <init_flag> = port initialization setting.  Should be "1" for FE.
      <distance> = for MODE "LD", this is the max distance to configure

Command used to configure Extended Fabric on Fab5:

      portcfglongdistance 13 LD 1 50

      13 = switch port 13   (or whichever one you are working on)
      LD = Mode "LD" is AUTO - it COMPUTES the distance of the ISL link.
      1 = just use it!
      50 = For AUTO mode (LD mode), this sets the MAX distance it will use.

For the GO-to-ISOC links on the new DWDM, the LD mode set the distance to

To un-set a port from Extended Fabric (ie:  turn it off), issue the cmd:

      portcfglongdistance 13 L0

      13 = switch port
      L0 = default distance (no extended fabric)

5)  Requirements

For Extended Fabric to work, you must . . . .

- Ports MUST be running at the same speed.
- Ports MUST be set to the same MODE, init flag, and max distance.

In other words, the ports MUST be setup and operating IDENTICALLY.


The extra credits that Extended Fabric allows you to allocate to a port ARE
NOT FREE.  The are STOLEN from another port.  IF a certain distance on a
Extended Fabric setup for a port requires enought credits that some other
ports is starved, the swith can/will DISABLE a the starved port.  This
behavior is different between 3900 and 4100 class switches, but this is a
situation you MUST understand.

7)  More Info

Brocase Fabric OS Reference Manual (command reference manual)
      see cmds:   portcfglongdistance

Brocade Fabric OS Procedures Guide
      see section:      Extended Fabrics Procedures

See attached documents

8)  Example

fab5_103:admin> switchshow
switchName:     fab5_103
switchType:     32.0
switchState:    Online
switchMode:     Native
switchRole:     Principal
switchDomain:   103
switchId:       fffc67
switchWwn:      10:00:00:05:1e:35:bc:8e
zoning:         ON (fabric5)
switchBeacon:   OFF

Area Port Media Speed State
  0   0   id    N4   Online    E-Port  10:00:00:05:1e:35:c0:7e
"fab5_102" (downstream)(Trunk master)
  1   1   id    N4   Online    E-Port  (Trunk port, master is Port  0 )
  2   2   id    N2   Online    F-Port  10:00:00:00:c9:4e:50:03
  3   3   id    N2   Online    F-Port  10:00:00:00:c9:4e:4d:ec
  4   4   id    N4   Online    F-Port  50:05:07:63:0f:4d:8b:01
  5   5   id    N4   Online    F-Port  50:05:07:63:0f:4d:8b:03
  6   6   id    N4   Online    F-Port  50:05:07:63:0f:4d:8b:05
  7   7   id    N4   Online    F-Port  50:05:07:63:0f:4d:8b:07
  8   8   id    N2   Online    F-Port  10:00:00:00:c9:4e:4f:d1
  9   9   id    N4   Online    F-Port  50:05:07:63:0f:4d:8b:0c
 10  10   id    N4   No_Light
 11  11   id    N4   No_Light
 12  12   id    N4   Online    F-Port  50:05:07:63:0f:4d:8b:09
 13  13   id    N4   No_Light
 14  14   id    N4   No_Light
 15  15   --    N4   No_Module
 16  16   id    N1   Online    L-Port  1 public
 17  17   id    N1   Online    L-Port  1 public
 18  18   id    N1   Online    L-Port  1 public
 19  19   id    N1   Online    L-Port  1 public
 20  20   id    N1   Online    L-Port  1 public
 21  21   id    N1   Online    L-Port  1 public
 22  22   id    N1   Online    L-Port  1 public
 23  23   id    N1   Online    L-Port  1 public
 24  24   id    N2   Online    LD E-Port  (Trunk port, master is Port 28 )
 25  25   id    N4   No_Light
 26  26   id    N4   No_Light
 27  27   id    N2   Online    F-Port  10:00:00:00:c9:3d:a1:3a
 28  28   id    N2   Online    LD E-Port  10:00:00:60:69:90:04:8f
"fab5_101" (downstream)(Trunk master)
 29  29   id    N4   No_Light
 30  30   id    N4   No_Light
 31  31   id    N2   Online    F-Port  10:00:00:00:c9:3d:a1:49

fab5_103:admin> portshow 28
portHealth: No License

Authentication: None
portDisableReason: None
portCFlags: 0x1
portType:  10.0
POD Port: License available to enable the port
portState: 1    Online
portPhys:  6    In_Sync
portScn:   16   E_Port    Trunk master port
port generation number:    126
portId:    671c00
portIfId:    43020018
portWwn:   20:1c:00:05:1e:35:bc:8e
portWwn of device(s) connected:
Distance:  auto (desired = 50 Km, actual = 17 Km)
portSpeed: N2Gbps

Interrupts:        0          Link_failure: 5          Frjt:         0
Unknown:           0          Loss_of_sync: 1922       Fbsy:         0
Lli:               928406     Loss_of_sig:  3822
Proc_rqrd:         445239     Protocol_err: 0
Timed_out:         0          Invalid_word: 0
Rx_flushed:        0          Invalid_crc:  0
Tx_unavail:        0          Delim_err:    0
Free_buffer:       0          Address_err:  2
Overrun:           0          Lr_in:        32
Suspended:         0          Lr_out:       5
Parity_err:        0          Ols_in:       4
2_parity_err:      0          Ols_out:      16
CMI_bus_err:       0

fab5_103:admin> portcfgshow 28
Area Number:              28
Speed Level:              AUTO
Trunk Port                ON
Long Distance             LD
VC Link Init              ON
Desired Distance          50 Km
Locked L_Port             OFF
Locked G_Port             OFF
Disabled E_Port           OFF
ISL R_RDY Mode            OFF
RSCN Suppressed           OFF
Persistent Disable        OFF
NPIV capability           ON

             "Meuleman, Ruud"
             RUSGROUP.COM>                                              To
             Sent by: "ADSM:           ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
             Dist Stor                                                  cc
             <ads...@vm.marist                                     Subject
             .EDU>                     Tapedrive 3592 E06 speed of

             02/10/2010 10:43

             Please respond to
             "ADSM: Dist Stor


In our TSM environment we use two locations that are about 30 km away
from each other. On both sides we use TSM servers and 3592 tapedrives.
We use SAN and DWDM between the two locations. Writing data from a TSM
server to a tapelibrary that are on the same location have the speed
according the technical specifications. A TSM server writing to the
other location has not half of the speed.

For example:
On one side we have 3592 E06 tapedrives, that can write with a speed of
160MB/sec, when the TSM server is on the same location. There is 1 SAN
switch between the server and tapelibrary.
A TSM server on the other location, that is also connected with that
library, get a speed of 60MB/sec. There is a SAN switch and a DWDM
switch on one location and also a DWDM switch and a SAN switch on the
other location between the server and tapelibrary.

The speed of the HBA's in the TSM servers is 2Gb/sec, the speed of the
ports on the SAN switches are 2 Gb/sec and 4 Gb/sec and the speed of the
DWDM swiches is 2,5 Gb/sec. 2Gb/sec is about 320MB/sec. So the
bottleneck is should be 320MB/sec. When there is no other traffic on
this network, the speed should be more than 60MB/sec. The speed is of
the tests is determined of data of the  summary table of the TSM

Can some explain why the speed is very slow? (only 60MB/sec instead of
160MB/sec). Does anyone know how one can determine the speed of DWDM

Ruud Meuleman

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