Gents, you've been very helpful on previous issues, I'm hoping for help
on one more.


I'm trying to setup a windows server with the SAN Client ( due to
TSM Server being at that level).  


According to tsmdlst the devices for the drives (17 & 18) are mt0.0.0.3
and mt1.0.0.3.  However, every time I try to do a file backup they both
get taken offline.


Any tips on setting up this client (outside the doc), or any information
you need to help me figure this out?  The Storage agent starts and
appears to connect up fine to the TSM Server, and I see in Device
manager and through tsmdlst:


C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\console>tsmdlst


Tivoli Storage Manager -- Device List Utility


Licensed Materials - Property of IBM


5697-TSM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2005. All rights reserved.

U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure

restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.


Computer Name:      VMDKBKTST

OS Version:         5.2

OS Build #:         3790

TSM Device Driver:  TSMScsi - Not Running


2 HBAs were detected.


Manufacturer        Model          Driver      Version
Firmware Description


QLogic Corporation  QLA2340        ql2300.sys (w32 IP)
3.03.01  QLogic QLA2340 Fibre Channel Adapter

QLogic Corporation  QLA2340        ql2300.sys (w32 IP)
3.03.01  QLogic QLA2340 Fibre Channel Adapter


TSM Name     ID   LUN  Bus  Port SSN                   WWN
TSM Type  Device Identifier


mt0.0.0.3    0    0    0    3    9110811998            5005076300470025
LTO   IBM     ULT3580-TD2     73V1

mt1.0.0.3    1    0    0    3    1110135629            5005076300470026
LTO   IBM     ULT3580-TD2     73V1


Here's the device (for drive 18):

                  Source Name: VMDKBKTST-SVR

                   Source Type: SERVER

              Destination Name: DRIVE18

              Destination Type: DRIVE

                       Library: IBM3584

                     Node Name: 

                        Device: mt1.0.0.3

              External Manager: 


                     Initiator: 0


                       On-Line: No

Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE

         Last Update Date/Time: 02/26/2010 09:44:10


The only thing I see in the activity log is that the Path is being taken
offline.  I'm using the last 2 LTO2 drives for this because chances are
at least of them will be free pretty much all the time.


Here's the output from the activity log:


ANR0408I Session 17980 started for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows)
(Tcp/Ip) for storage agent. 

ANR0415I Session 17980 proxied by VMDKBKTST-SVR started for node

ANR0408I Session 17981 started for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows)
(Tcp/Ip) for library sharing. 

ANR0409I Session 17981 ended for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows).

ANE4940I (Session: 17978, Node: VMDKBKTST)  Performing a full, TSM
backup of object 'COM+ REGDB

Writer' component 'COM+ REGDB' using shadow copy.

ANE4940I (Session: 17978, Node: VMDKBKTST)  Performing a full, TSM
backup of object 'Registry

Writer' component 'Registry' using shadow copy.

ANE4940I (Session: 17978, Node: VMDKBKTST)  Performing a full, TSM
backup of object 'System Writer'

component 'System Files' using shadow copy.

ANE4940I (Session: 17978, Node: VMDKBKTST)  Performing a full, TSM
backup of object 'Event Log

Writer' component 'Event Logs' using shadow copy.

ANE4940I (Session: 17978, Node: VMDKBKTST)  Performing a full, TSM
backup of object 'WMI Writer'

component 'Windows Managment Instrumentation' using shadow copy.

ANR0405I Session 17257 ended for administrator ******* (Linux86).

ANR0406I Session 17982 started for node VMDKBKTST (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip

ANR0408I Session 17983 started for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows)
(Tcp/Ip) for storage agent. 

ANR0415I Session 17983 proxied by VMDKBKTST-SVR started for node

ANR0408I Session 17984 started for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows)
(Tcp/Ip) for library sharing. 

ANR0409I Session 17984 ended for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows).

ANR0408I Session 17985 started for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows)
(Tcp/Ip) for library sharing. 

ANR8337I LTO volume 011313 mounted in drive DRIVE18 (/dev/rmt5).

ANR0408I Session 17986 started for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows)
(Tcp/Ip) for library sharing. 

ANR1772E The path from source VMDKBKTST-SVR to destination DRIVE18 is
taken offline.

ANR0409I Session 17986 ended for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows).

ANR0408I Session 17987 started for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows)
(Tcp/Ip) for library sharing. 

ANR1772E The path from source VMDKBKTST-SVR to destination DRIVE18 is
taken offline.

ANR0409I Session 17987 ended for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows).

ANR8336I Verifying label of LTO volume 011313 in drive DRIVE18

ANR8468I LTO volume 011313 dismounted from drive DRIVE18 (/dev/rmt5) in
library IBM3584.

ANR0409I Session 17985 ended for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows).

ANR0530W Transaction failed for session 17983 for node VMDKBKTST (WinNT)
- internal server error detected.

ANR0514I Session 17983 closed volume .

ANR0408I Session 17988 started for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows)
(Tcp/Ip) for library sharing. 

ANR9790W Request to mount volume *SCRATCH* for library client

ANR0408I Session 17989 started for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows)
(Tcp/Ip) for library sharing. 

ANR0409I Session 17988 ended for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows).

ANR0408I Session 17990 started for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows)
(Tcp/Ip) for library sharing. 

ANR0409I Session 17989 ended for server VMDKBKTST-SVR (Windows).


As you can see it actually mounts a tape, but then takes both paths
offline, and ejects the tape.  I have verified and reverified the WWN of
both drives to make sure I was pointing them to the right drives as


See Ya'

Howard Coles Jr.

Sr. Systems Engineer

(615) 296-3416

John 3:16!



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