-----Gary Lee wrote: -----

>Tsm server 5.5.4, clients range from 5.0 through 6.3.
>Trying to construct a query to show me all windows nodes, whether
>they have a filespace systemobject or systemstate, and when it was
>last backed up.
>Q filespace
>Comes close, and maybe I'll just need to rattle that data around.
>If anyone can help with this query, I'd appreciate it.

Other respondants have covered the matter of finding the last
backup date for existing system file backups. You can find
find Windows client nodes with no 'SYSTEM OBJECT' or 'SYSTEM
STATE' backups as follows:

select node_name from nodes where platform_name='WinNT' and
node_name not in (select node_name from filespaces where
filespace_name in ('SYSTEM OBJECT', 'SYSTEM STATE'))

We are starting to see small numbers of Windows 2008 client
systems. These use a new naming convention for filespaces
containing system file backups, such as:

WIN2008SRV\SystemState\NULL\System State\SystemState

for a test system named win2008srv.

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