Microsoft windows 2008, tsm client 6.2
 tsmserver 5.5.4. under suse sles9 under zvm 5.3.

We have a two node cluster with clustername sqltestcluster.
There is one group (win 2008 no longer refers to them as groups) called 
Cluster nodes are called sqltestcl01 and sqltestcl02.

Sqltestcl01 and 02 back up local file resourses fine.
Tried to create a cluster tsm node called sqltestcluster to match the cluster 

Defined all the schedulers, and acceptors.  Services fail over correctly.
However, the ip address for the cluster is never associated with tsm node 
It gets its ip address as whichever node is active.

Yes, there is a network name and ip address resource defined within the group 

I am at a loss.

Where is the link established between the tsm node_name and the tcp/ip addresss 
resource which moves between cluster nodes?

Thanks for any help.

Gary Lee
Senior System Programmer
Ball State University
phone: 765-285-1310


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