Hi Andy,

there are 2 sources for this information.  A column in the stgpools table has 
the MB saved -

tsm: xxxx>select cast(stgpool_name as char(20)) as "Name", -
                 cast(space_saved_mb / 1024.0 / 1024.0 as decimal(6,2)) as "T 
Saved" from stgpools

Name                      T Saved
---------------------     ---------
BKP_1A                    0.00
BKP_1B                    0.00
BKP_2                     24.38

Or 'q stg f=d' will show it -

tsm: xxxx>q stg bkp_2 f=d

                   Storage Pool Name: BKP_2
                   Storage Pool Type: Primary
                   Device Class Name: VT01_50GB
                  Estimated Capacity: 50,775 G
                   Deduplicate Data?: Yes
Processes For Identifying Duplicates: 0
           Duplicate Data Not Stored: 24,972 G (56%)

Hope this helps,

Bill Colwell
Draper Lab

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of Andrew 
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: Deduplication Status

Server side dedup, Server V6.2, client V6.2.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:39 PM, Mark Yakushev <bar...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> Are you doing server- or client-side deduplication? What are the versions
> of your TSM Client and Server?
> Regards,
> Mark L. Yakushev
> From: Andrew Carlson <naclos...@gmail.com>
> To:   ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu
> Date: 04/21/2010 12:36 PM
> Subject:    [ADSM-L] Deduplication Status
> I have been looking through the commands and outputs of commands,
> trying to find something to tell me how much deduplication has
> occurred.  Is there one there I am missing?  Thanks.
> --
> Andy Carlson
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gamecube:$150,PSO:$50,Broadband Adapter: $35, Hunters License: $8.95/month,
> The feeling of seeing the red box with the item you want in it:Priceless.

Andy Carlson
Gamecube:$150,PSO:$50,Broadband Adapter: $35, Hunters License: $8.95/month,
The feeling of seeing the red box with the item you want in it:Priceless.

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