So I just submitted a PMR asking IBM to officially bless some
procedure for getting the client installed on an Ubuntu box.

I was working on a local doc, which was going to be largely cadged
from the advice in the archives of this list, but figured I'd at least
attempt to do the Right Thing.

Last time I did that, (the TS3500 CLI) the development team addressed
the issue even before the poor entitlement staffer could figure out
how to label the reqest. :) That one is still pending in entitlement,
by the way.  I think she's stumped, but I intend to follow the PMR all
the way to the bitter end.

So I figured I'd talk about it here, too, in case some TSM Client type
is listening. *waggle eyebrows*.


I also thought I'd try to put my nascent doc up on the WIKI.  'cause
that's what the wiki is for, right?  Customer-sourced information at
the fringes of the official work?

But it took me 30 seconds to get a page image from

which means to me that none of my customers will see whatever I stick
up there.  They'll conclude that something in IBM is broken, and move
on, and I'll get complaints that my link is busted.

I would love to hear what subterranean forces conspire to make a wiki
from IBM, theoretically an enterprise-class software company, perform
worse than Wikipedia.  I've no question they can do it right.  But why
did they choose to do it badly?  Project out of favor?  Too many
public interfaces, so one gets snowed under?


So, rather than whining here, I was going to contact someone
associated with the wiki, but I can't find a contact point.  I may
just be obtuse: my wife says I'm excellent at not finding things in
plain sight.  But the closest I come is the wiki's home page's
creator, "dwblogadmin".  But that links to a developerworks page for
one Jay Allen, whose profile and VCARD do not include e.g. email,
phone, whatever.

So I guess I'll leave an update on his "wall".

- Allen S. Rout
- Really trying to go through channels.

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