Which SCHEDMODE are you using? PROMPTED or POLLING? If you use SCHEDMODE
PROMPTED, have you checked the TSM server activity log for messages showing
that it tries to prompt the client? If the scheduled backup begins when you
restart the scheduler within its window, then perhaps the server is
otherwise having a difficult time prompting the client. This might be a
firewall issue.

Are you using the CAD to manage the scheduler? If so, check out APAR
IC65313, that might explain the trouble. Issue the DSMCUTIL LIST command to
see the installed services. Make a note of the name of the TSM scheduler
service. Then issue DSMCUTIL QUERY /NAME:"cadschedname" (where
"cadschedname" is the name of the CAD, probably "TSM Client Acceptor"), and
look at the CAD  Schedule Service field. Does it match the name of the TSM
scheduler service?

Best regards,


Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
Level 3 Team Lead
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Hartford/i...@ibmus
Internet e-mail: stor...@us.ibm.com

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> wrote on 2010-05-03

> TSM Scheduler problem with Windows 2008
> tjackson5512
> to:
> 2010-05-03 12:21
> Sent by:
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu>
> Please respond to ADSM-L
> Good Afternoon,
> I am having trouble configuring TSM Backup Client on Windows 2008
> clients. The version ont he server is TSM and the Windows
> Client is After scheduling a test backup with the TSM
> server, the Client does not start at the sscheduled time. When I
> refresh the TSM services on the client the backup starts till
> completed. I have removed and re-installed the TSM Backup Client at
> least 3-4 times. I am not sure if it is a McAfee Virus scanner
> problem or a Windows 2008 firewall problem.
> Has anyone seen this problem with Win 2008 before? [Shocked] I have
> submitted a ticket to IBM software support and to date haven't
> gotten much help. Does TSM 6.1 have better luck with Windows 2008?
> Any help would be much appreciated.
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