I would advice against overriding the default settings in a script and
instead to set the correct locale for the system. Most system settings in
RHEL based distros are made in the sysconfig directory:


In this case, if the locale does not exist, just install it. Since the en_US
locale is included in the glibc-common RPM try to reinstall or update that


On 18/05, Fred Johanson wrote:
> For my users with Unicode files on UNIX clients, I recommend this be added to 
> the startup scripts for the scheduler or CAD:
> LANG=en_US
> LC_ALL=en_US
> export LANG
> export LC_ALL
> However, a user running CentOS thinks that en_US does not exist in that 
> flavor of LINUX, so he misses 1000s of files each night.
> Anyone have any thoughts on this?
> Fred Johanson
> TSM Administrator
> University of Chicago
> 773-702-8464

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