On Saturday 19 June 2010, you wrote:
> Iocp fileset is installed on system , I will try installing X11 fileset and
> try reinstalling the tsm server again
You also have to 'enable' iocp.  You can check it with 'lsdev -C | grep iocp'.
The iocp0 device should have status Available.

I don't know how it is possible that a good product likt TSM 5 (and before)
can be changed in a monster like TSM6.

TSM 5.5:
du -ms /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv
20.03  /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv

TSM 6.1:
du -ms /opt/tivoli/tsm
2118.44 /opt/tivoli/tsm

Euh, from 20MB to 2 GB ???

I can understand the need to 'upgrade' the database to db2, but if this also
means the it is almost impossible to debug the installation process, the
upgrade process, the initialization process and the daily problems, give me
back the old non-db2 backend !!!

Funny, I just checked my running TSM server and iocp is 'Defined'.  So
why do I need to install iocp if it is not needed ?
lsdev -C| grep iocp
iocp0         Defined                 I/O Completion Ports


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