The EVENTS table has been an oddball in TSM, as I note in ADSM QuickFacts, 
because of the way it was engineered.  Using relative timestamp references 
traditionally doesn't work, so you need to employ an absolute timestamp, as in
     select * from events WHERE SCHEDULED_START >= '2010-06-28'

Note also that there is no actual_time column in instances of the EVENTS table 
that I know of.  Use the following to verify column names:
    select * from syscat.columns where tabname='EVENTS'
I haven't seen 'In Progress' as one of the possible status values; but things 
change over numerous releases.

    Richard Sims

On Jun 29, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Moyer, Joni M wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to create a select statement that will list all backups for 
> clients in the domain: windows & hmig that started after yesterday at 6PM 
> until today at the current date/time that had a status of: Missed, In 
> Progress, Fail%, Started.
> I tried the below select statement but it is not giving me everything that I 
> am looking for and it's also reporting future events which I don't want.  Can 
> anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks in advance!
> select event as "Event",date(actual_start) as "Date",time(actual_start) as 
> "Start",time(Completed) as "End", node_name, domain_name,Status from events 
> where domain_name='WINDOWS' or domain_name='HMIG' and status like 'Fail%' or 
> status='Missed' or status='In Progres' or status='Started' and 
> actual_time>=current_timestamp-1 day

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