
had that Problem also after desaster Restore of Library Sharing Servers, just 
try an "update server" with force=yes´

Kind Regards

Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] im Auftrag von Mario 
Behring []
Gesendet: Sonntag, 18. Juli 2010 18:51
Betreff: Re: [ADSM-L] Export server error

Hi David,

Everything u guys told me is in place....

- both source and target servers ping each other from the OS (the HLAddress
configured with the DEFINE SERVER)
- the admin user exists on both machines and have the same password
- the admin I´ve registered and use also exists on both TSM Servers and have the
same password
- the LLAddress, TCP Port, is 1500 on both TSM Servers, which are installed on
separate physical machines
- the TCP Port 1500 is in LISTENING state on both machines (netstat -an)...both
servers are Windows 2003 Servers
- both hostnames are declared on each others HOSTS file
- there is NO FIREWALL or anything between these TSM Servers
- telnet on localhost on TCP Port 1500 accepts the connection on both machines

But....the PING SERVER command fail on both TSM Servers....

tsm: TSM_SOURCE>ping server tsm_target
ANR1705W Ping for server 'TSM_TARGET' was not able to establish a connection.
ANS8001I Return code 4.

tsm: TSM_TARGET>ping server tsm_source
ANR1705W Ping for server 'TSM_SOURCE' was not able to establish a  connection.
ANS8001I Return code 4.

Everything seems to be properly configured....what could be wrong or missing?

Any help is aprreciated.


From: David McClelland <>
Sent: Fri, July 16, 2010 9:27:00 PM
Subject: Re: Export server error

Hi Mario,

Looks like some detailed double-checking of the config is required - here

O - As Marcel points out, first you'll need to have an administrative user
registered with the same password upon the source and target TSM Server

O - Next, the High Level Address (HLA) of the target server needs (visible
in Q SERVER) to be resolvable/pingable from your shell/OS prompt on the
source server.

O - Finally, the Low Level Address (LLA) of the target server (visible in Q
SERVER) needs to be set to the TCPPort upon which the target server is
listening (e.g. visible from Q OPT output on target server).

>>> What about the TCP Port (lladdress)? I´ve configured different tcp ports
in each that correct?

Your source and target TSM Server instances can run on the same TCPPORT if
they're running on different physical servers.

If all of these are in place and there aren't any other factors getting in
the way, PING SERVER commands should work and you'll have a platform for TSM
Server to Server operations.

HTH - let us know how you get on.

London, UK - going to bed.

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-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of
Mario Behring
Sent: 17 July 2010 00:59
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Export server error

Hi David, is not successful...check the output below...I am calling the
servers TSM_SOURCE and TSM_TARGET to make this easier:

tsm: TSM_SOURCE>ping server tsm_target
ANR1705W Ping for server 'TSM_TARGET' was not able to establish a
ANS8001I Return code 4.

The same happens the other way around.

What about the TCP Port (lladdress)? I´ve configured different tcp ports in
each that correct?

tsm: TSM_SOURCE>q server
Server               Comm.      High-level         Low-level       Days
Name                 Method     Address           Address        Since
--------                 ------     -------------           ---------

------     --------
TSM_TARGET     TCPIP      xx.xx.xx.xx      1919              <1        Yes

tsm: TSM_TARGET>q server
Server                Comm.      High-level        Low-level       Days
Name                  Method     Address          Address        Since
--------                 ------       -------------       ---------

------     --------
TSM_SOURCE     TCPIP      xx.xx.xx.xx     1500                <1         Yes


From: David McClelland <>
Sent: Fri, July 16, 2010 7:56:06 PM
Subject: Re: Export server error

Hi Mario,

What does a `PING SERVER TSM_DEDALUS` from the source TSM Server admin CLI
give you - is this successful?


//David Mc
London, UK

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of
Mario Behring
Sent: 16 July 2010 22:44
Subject: [ADSM-L] Export server error

Hi list,

I am trying to export all data from a TSM Server to a new one. Both servers
are TSM servers. I have defined the TARGET server on the SOURCE and
vice versa, specifying a password and TCP Port (lladdress) for both servers.
When I issue the EXPORT SERVER command with the PREVIEWIMPORT set to YES I
get the following error on the SOURCE server:

07/17/2010 18:29:44      ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: EXPORT
                          SERVER filed=all previewi=y tos=tsm_dedalus
07/17/2010 18:29:44      ANR0984I Process 254 for EXPORT SERVER started in
                          BACKGROUND at 18:29:44. (SESSION: 18790, PROCESS:
07/17/2010 18:29:44      ANR0609I EXPORT SERVER started as process 254.
                          18790, PROCESS: 254)
07/17/2010 18:29:44      ANR0402I Session 18873 started for administrator
                          (Server) (Memory IPC). (SESSION: 18790, PROCESS:
07/17/2010 18:29:45     ANR8214E Session open with failed due
                          connection refusal. (SESSION: 18790, PROCESS: 254)
07/17/2010 18:29:45      ANR0561E EXPORT SERVER: Process aborted - sign on
                          server, TSM_SERVER, failed. (SESSION: 18790,

The problem is that the TARGET server is refusing the connection....but
why?? NO messages appear in the ACTLOG at the TARGET server.

What could be wrong? What am I missing?



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