Now that I have ventured into new territory with this new server (Linux, I am experiencing terrible performance when it comes to moving
data from disk (FILEDEVCLASS on EMC/SAN storage) vs my other 6.1 and 5.5

With the server doing nothing but migrating data from this SAN based
stgpool to TS1130 tape, I am seeing roughly 700GB being moved in a 12-hour
period.  On my other, internal disk based TSM servers, I move
multiple-terabytes per day/24-hours.

So, where should I focus on why this is so slow?  Is it because I am using
SAN storage?  How about the FILEDEVCLASS vs fixed, pre-formatted volumes
(like every other server is using)?

Or is this normal?  If it is, I am in for some serious problems.  One of
these servers is expected to replace an existing 5.5 server that processes
20TB+ of backups, per week (no, I can not go straight to tape due to the
type of backups being performed).

Suggestions?  Thoughts?
Zoltan Forray
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
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