Hi Rajesh,

could it be that you only have data for a small amount of nodes in your server? 
Or that there is one exceptionally large node? IIRC bacup stg for DISK works by 
node, so if one process is working on the data of the last node, the other 
process will finish if there is no data of other nodes to backup. This is 
different for FILE and tape volumes, there backup stg works per volume.

On 2 nov 2010, at 07:04, Lakshminarayanan, Rajesh wrote:

> Hi,
>    When I trigger "backup stg <primary stg pool> <Tape copy stg pool>
> maxproc=2" command I see two processes getting submitted to backup the
> primary storage pool (Disk dev class) to my tape copy pool.
>    After a while one of the processes gets completed normally while the
> other keeps running for a while till it fully creates a copy in the
> secondary storage pool (copy). 
>    I use MAXPROC=2, to speed up my work, but I don't see that
> happening. I don't have any issues with the mount point. I have the
> needful tape mount point available during this backup. 
>    It would be great if some one can share your exp. Or is it a bug
> with TSM.
>  My environment details:
> TSM: (tsm server running in aix 6 TL5).
> Regards,
> Rajesh 

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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