In the very near future or just released, a TDP for VM's should be on
the market.
This was planned for ITSM 6.2.x


2010/11/8 TSM User <>:
> I've been searching online, including a number of listserv posts, and what
> I'm finding is that the information I'm looking for seems pretty
> fragmented.  I'm trying to figure out what the options are for backing up a
> VMware version 4 implementation in an all-Linux environment.  I've
> determined that a proxy server is needed still for VADP/vStorage, just as
> for VCB.  It appears that the proxy server must be run on Windows.  I'm a
> bit confused about what's supported, though.  So my questions are:
> --In one place in the client manual, it says that file-level backups are
> only supported for Windows VMs.  I read on another website that TSM only
> works with VADP for file-level backups as of now, and for full VM backups,
> VCB is still required.  Does this mean that VCB must be present in order to
> back up Linux guests, and that only full VM backups are available?  That
> doesn't seem right to me, but that's where the bits of information I've run
> across leads me.
> --If the answer to the above is yes, does anyone know if there will be more
> options for Linux VMs any time soon, and what it's likely to be?
> --Has anyone been able to locate a single, comprehensive resource describing
> what functions are available in what circumstances and what's required for
> TSM with VADP?
> Someone please tell me I'm missing something....
> Thanks!

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