IMNSHO, archives are for lawyers, backups are for disasters.

anything that could be relevant for a lawsuit should be archived with proper 
retention settings anyway.

After the fact, your backups are worthless anyway, since all data has already 
been lost or mutilated between the moment that your company has committed the 
act that's it's being sued over, and the moment your company is actually being 

That being said, I'd just buy a whole bunch of tapes, eject the copypool and 
the relevant database backup tape and recreate the copypool. Then, using a new 
TSM server, restore database, mark the primary pools destroyed and restore all 
relevant data from copypool tapes.

On 4 dec 2010, at 19:46, Robert Clark wrote:

> I've been tempted to put all nodes into one domain that would be
> involved in the same lawsuit.
> For example, if HR typically gets involved in wrongful termination
> lawsuits, then make sure the HR email servers are all in the same
> domain.
> I realize that not all businesses/organizations are setup this way,
> but some are.
> Thanks,
> [RC]
> On Oct 7, 2010, at 6:44 AM, Tim Brown wrote:
>> How have others handled litigation issues where one is told to
>> capture all folders for specific servers.
>> You can copy them all to a read only system.
>> You can take a backup of them with a different node name.
>> You can export everything which would include active and inactive.
>> You cant just pull all tapes since others have files there and it
>> would cause havoc with relcamation.
>> Any other thoughts, It seems no matter what  you do its a lengthy
>> process.
>> Tim

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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